
GoWest receives second DGNB platinum pre-certificate (Photo © DGNB)

The building shell continues to grow (construction zone 07)

Site inspection in construction zone 07 (underground car park on the second basement floor)

The structural work on Baufeld 7 is growing upwards…

The final demolition work has begun: The large hall of the cigarette factory makes way for the future Handwerkerhof.

The IHK Berlin invites to a project tour and political discussion. Guest: Bezirksstadtrat Christoph Brzezinksi

Steel weaving for GoWest. Around 8,000 tons of reinforcing steel are being processed for the first construction phase.

GoWest – the shell construction can begin. After signing the contract, from left to right: Boris Kupsch and Stephan Allner from Die Wohnkompanie Berlin, Jörn Aßmann, Carola Kirsch and Peter Kories from KoHa Bauausführungen und Immobilien GmbH.